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Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)

Countries represented: Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Mali

PES was engaged by AECF to provide investment readiness support and 1 on 1 business advisory to AECF’s Investees under the REACT SSA Program. The objective was to assist the companies address financial and business challenges.

Outcome: PES developed a diagnostic tool for use in conducting the needs assessment of the SMEs and identified individual SME and group intervention areas. PES matched the SMEs with its business coaches to provide support in developing solutions to address the gaps identified.

PES developed the curriculum, training content and short videos to guide investees in self-paced learning and development. PES facilitated 1 on 1 and group training sessions to address the intervention areas. PES worked with the management of the SMEs to develop financial models and investment teasers