project wash


Overview: Project Wash is a limited liability company that runs a waste to energy factory producing carbonized briquettes on a commercial scale.

It is based in Nakuru, Kenya and was incorporated in 2018. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of a county government water utility company.
PES was awarded the Consultancy to prepare an investment case and governance set-up by Aqua for All (Funder) to provide business review support for the company.

Outcome: PES was tasked to review commercial feasibility, assess financial and economic viability and support preparation of the project’s business viability and approach (how to get to break-even point) as well as a roadmap detailing an investment case and outlining a viable path to scale, comprising of a well-crafted financial model and pitch deck.

PES assisted the funder in understanding the business case for grant funding. The company has received funding already. Other partners have expressed interest to support the revised business case.